One Platform to Make Deliveries Plus rapide , Stress free , Amazing

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How it works...

We simplify the delivery process so you do not have to worry about hidden steps and costs. All you need to do is to download our app and start the process….

Download and install the app on Google Play or App Store.
Login or create an account using your mobile phone number or email.
Select the category of what you wish to deliver (items, food, documents, etc).
Set delivery options like delivery destinations, weight and more.
Our pricing calculator automatically calculates your delivery cost.
Proceed to checkout and pay using ur mobile money or orange money account.
Once your order is completed and validated, we assign your order to one of our delivery agents.
You can then track our delivery agent and call to get feedback until the final delivery.

Simple UI

With a simple, easy and swift user interface, get the best user experience you could get to ease your delivery within Douala.

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